Sunday 22 April 2012

7 Ways to Deal With Frustrating Telesales People

Earlier today, I was listening to my sister talking on the phone to British Telecom. Now my sis is normally very controlled, very rational and VERY used to dealing with difficult people at work but TODAY she was totally frustrated! Why? Because the BT “Customer Service” employee was working from a script & wasn’t listening to a darn word Pam was saying to her.
So here are 7 Steps to help you deal with frustrating calls:
1) Stay calm:
The best way to deal with unresponsive sales people is to stay calm and professional. Don’t give them any opportunity to hang up on you.
2) Stay positive:
Even if they drive you insane, try to adopt a positive approach and mindset. This will help you to manage stress more effectively so you are not weighed down by their hostile attitude.
 3) Be patient:
Stay in control, let them get their scripted answers out of the way and then you’ll get your point across more easily.
4) Listen.
Listen to what they say BEFORE responding. As they talk, occasionally indicate that you are still listening. Once they’ve finished, politely ask if they would courteously listen to you now without interupting
5) Don't tolerate abuse.
If the employee is still obstructive and unhelpful, ask to speak to their supervisor as you’re obviously not going anywhere with this conversation
6) De-stress yourself:
Don't let it get to you. Treat it as a game that you WILL win because you’ve remained in control. You will feel good afterwards!
7) Remember, all calls are recorded so if you need to take this further up the ladder, you’ll come out as the good guy!
Speak to you soon

Barbara Naisby
Your Mind Master 

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