Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Signs of Self-Confidence

Signs of Self-Confidence
Let's explore the meaning of self-confidence by taking a quiz. Read the list of statements below and check which ones, in your opinion, are signs of self-confidence.
1. Admitting when you are wrong.
2. Being flexible when change is needed.
3. Talking about your accomplishments.
4. Describing negative events in positive terms. For example, "We didn't make our target, but we sure learned a lot."
5. Dressing to please yourself without worrying what others will think.
6. Using a strong handshake.
7. Using casual language in an effort to avoid sounding too "corporate." For example, "You guys did a cool thing."
8. Speaking very fast.
9. Smiling often.
10. Learning new skills.
11. Putting yourself down in order to sound humble.
Compare your answers to those on the bottom of page three under "Quiz #1."
Low Self-Confidence
Part of defining self-confidence is thinking about what low self-confidence is, what it looks and sounds like. Test yourself now. Circle the statements that convey a lack of self-confidence.
1. "I may be wrong, but I think the answer is ten."
2. "Thank you for the compliment. We're very proud of our work."
3. "That was really stupid of me."
4. "I forgot my business cards. I left them in the car."
5. (Responding to a compliment) "Oh, I've had this dress for ten years."
6. "I would have gotten into the program, but they don't like to take people with my background."
7. "That sounds like a challenge. I'm sure we can figure out how to solve it, though."
8. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I wonder if I could have a minute of your time."
Compare your answers to those listed at the bottom of page three under "Quiz #2."
Where Does Self-Confidence Come From?
Self-confidence is not something people are born with. It results from a combination of factors:
1. Learned skill: Self-confidence is a combination of skills, not just a single quality. People are not born with it or without it. It can be learned.
2. Practice: Self-confidence comes from practice. It may appear to be spontaneous, but it isn't.
3. Internal locus of control: Self-confidence results from what psychologists call an internal locus (central point) of control. This means that people who are self-directing, who accept responsibility for their own results, have greater self-confidence.
8 Self-Confidence Builders
There are many concrete, specific things you can do to feel more confident in challenging life situations. Make note of those that will help you develop your own sense of self-confidence.
1. Follow your strengths. Self-confidence comes from being the best "you" possible. It doesn't come from trying to be someone else. It is the result of following paths like these:
- Do what comes naturally.
- Develop your talents.
- Follow your convictions.
- Express your own style.
2. Plan ahead. Many people are surprised to hear that self-confidence comes from something as ordinary as planning. But think about it; let's say you are going on a job interview, almost always an anxiety-producing experience. When you are prepared, you feel more confident.
3. Take action. Confidence comes from taking action. Break your challenge down into small steps and take that first step, no matter how small it seems.
4. Study. The more you know about your subject, the more confident you will feel. In fact, the lack of self-confidence almost always stems from a lack of information. We've all had that sick feeling that we don't fully understand what we are talking about.
5. Act the part. The following tips will help you begin to present yourself in a positive way.
- Find a role model. Look for someone who is already successful in your field. Observe him or her and identify for yourself what behaviors convey self-confidence.
- Look and act powerful. Watch people who create a powerful impression. It could be a TV anchor, a character in a movie, or a coworker. Imagine yourself behaving in a similar way. For an example, watch the movie Top Hat. Fred Astaire exudes confidence.
- Be aware of nonverbal behavior that detracts from presenting yourself with confidence. Ask for feedback from a trusted friend or watch yourself on videotape.
6. Rehearse for success. One of the most important ways to boost your self-confidence is by rehearsing important conversations and presentations. You can never be too prepared. These ideas will help you practice so that you really understand your subject:
- Manage your anxiety. Feeling anxious is normal when you are in a challenging situation. The key is learning to manage anxiety so it doesn't paralyze you or diminish your effectiveness.
- Get organized. When your materials are prepared and well-organized, you will feel better about your ability to access them. Having information scattered in too many places makes you feel out of control and undermines your self-confidence.
7. Persist. Self-confidence is the result of a lot of hard work. The process takes time. It has been said that success is 99% persistence and 1% talent.
8. Enjoy your success. When you reach your goal, don't forget to give yourself credit for working hard. Be proud of what you've accomplished. Here are some ways you can do this:
- Look in the mirror and say to yourself, "Good work. I'm proud of you."
- Think of a way to reward yourself.
- Tell others about your success.
- Write yourself a letter or explore your accomplishment in your journal.
- Draw a picture expressing your achievement.
Answers to Quiz #1
Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, and 10 are generally signs of self-confidence. The others could be seen as self-sabotaging behaviors.
Answers to Quiz #2
Items 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8 communicate low self-confidence. (Of course, there are no 100% right answers, since many of the statements depend on context, tone of voice, cultural interpretation, and other factors.)
Garrett Coan, MSW, LCSW is Founder and Director of the Center for Creative Counseling, a team of expert and licensed therapists and coaches providing phone and internet counseling services to clients throughout the United States and worldwide. To arrange a no-obligation, complimentary consultation, call 1-877-958-4769 or visit them on the Web at http://www.creativecounselors.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10267

The Fastest Way to Build Self Confidence

Great tips here from www.fastconfidence.com adjusting your mindset and gaining more Self Confidence

Monday, 27 February 2012

5 Signs Body Image Limits You, And Ways To Improve

A butterfly doing a balancing act, nothing to do with the post

Our bodies are our life-long companions, they are always there for us, from the day we are born until the last day we spend on this earth. Our heart beats between 2.5 to 3 billion times in an average lifetime and our skin renews itself around every 30 days.
That’s pretty remarkable, isn’t it? But an overwhelming amount of people are at war with their bodies for most of their lives. They constantly wish to look differently, be taller, skinnier, have longer legs or a prettier face.
Millions of people think that if they could only lose a few pounds, their lives would magically fall into place and they would finally be happy.
And while they engage in wishful thinking, they never take action and let their poor body image stand in the way of creating a truly successful life.
I know what it is like to have your body dictate what your life is going to look like. From my early childhood, I felt uncomfortable in my own skin and I desperately wanted to look differently. My hatred for my own body was one of the reasons I developed anorexia nervosa at the ago of 10, an illness that would accompany me throughout my teens and the early part of my twenties.
My body was my biggest enemy and I developed destructive habits to change it and form it in ways that it was simply not meant to be. All the while, I thought that my life would turn around once I would be happy with the way I looked.
This never happened, I disconnected more and more from my body and my life was put on hold. It is needless to say that I did not achieve a lot in life because I had put a mental limit to my potential as a person.
However, after I committed to recovery about a year ago, I changed the way I thought about my body and its parts and I was able to transform my life in many aspects. The life I live now has nothing to do anymore with the sad, depressed existence I led for 14 years.
By breaking down this mental blockade, I was able to let myself grow as a person and I finally took my life and my future in my own hands. What you can and will achieve in life hardly ever has anything to do with the way you look, it is all about how you approach your fate and what you make of it, no matter your body shape or size.
How can you tell if your body image stands in the way of your success in life? Well, here are five obvious signs and action steps to make a change.
 You spend hours upon hours worrying about the way you look
If you tend to feel bad about your appearance and you dwell on that fact for hours each day, you rob your mind of time to be creative, think differently and focus on what really matters. But not only that, you also waste tons of energy that you could use for so much more important activities.
When you stand in front of the mirror complaining about this body part or that, you put a huge negative layer over your day and this will affect every single situation and every single decision of your day. Your attitude will simply not be the best if you constantly put yourself down.
Do you really want to waste your time and life by reducing yourself to body parts or do you want to make a difference in this world by doing something meaningful and by adding value to other people’s lives?
Use your energy to work on your legacy instead on mentally beating yourself up. The next time you look in the mirror, focus on the parts you like and tell yourself how amazing you are. Repeat this exercise over and over again.
Whenever you think negatively about your body, turn those thoughts into positive once. You will notice that over time, your self-confidence will shoot to through the roof and you won’t spend nearly as much time sitting around with negative thoughts.
Turning your thoughts around will make a drastic change in your life.
 You don’t engage in social activities because of your body
When you avoid going out with your friends because you fear they might judge you or you are too self-conscious to face real life situations, your body image keeps you from having tons of fun. Do you really believe that other people will only hang out with you because of your size? Do you think that others will talk negatively about you because you weigh a certain weight? Well, here is a newsflash for you: you are not in middle school anymore (at least, I hope you’re not) and people simply don’t care. People are not as superficial as the media makes us believe. Your family and friends love you because of the person you are and they don’t think of you any less when you’re not perfect.
Go out with your friends, have a few drinks, dance and have fun. Go play basketball, even if you are as short as I am. Go swimming with your friends, even if have a bit of a belly. Be a dork, be goofy and simply let go. Don’t worry about your weight and simply enjoy the moments. You only live once.
You don’t feel you have the right to speak up because of your body shape
 I know this point so well. I was always afraid of speaking up and telling the world my opinion. I thought that this was a right reserved for those with a better body shape.  What a limiting and ridiculous notion that is!
Our value as a person does not have anything to do with our weight, but everything with what is inside: our compassion, our wit, our intelligence, our soul, our knowledge, our insecurities, our love and so much more.
So, no matter your shape or size, show the world your brilliance and put some value into each and every discussion. Ask for that promotion you have always dreamed of and worked so hard to get. You deserve it and your boss does not give your weight a second thought. Voice your opinion, even if it differs from everybody else’s and don’t let your body insecurities hold you back.
You will see how much your life will change by stopping to hide your true voice behind your body.
You don’t walk tall because of your body
 When you don’t walk with your head held high because you fear that others will notice you, you clearly stand in the way of your own greatness. You should be proud of the person you are and you should make that apparent in your posture.
Being confident is one of the most important aspects if you want to live to your full potential. Your body has no right to put a barrier to that. By sitting up straight or walking without lowering your gaze, you can instantly exude confidence. You will benefit from this in all aspects of your life, from relationships to your career.
You avoid relationships because of your body
This is the most critical point regarding the way that your body image can damage your life. If you avoid intimate relationships or you always keep a certain distance to others because you feel self-conscious about yourself, you won’t ever experience the richness of life.
Relationships are the most rewarding experiences in life and, again, your body image has no business keeping you from being in a fulfilling, loving and intimate relationship with yourself and with a partner.
Let me ask you this simple question: would you rather be alone for the rest of your life than  reaching out of your comfort zone and giving your body simply the role it was designed to have (which is keeping you alive)? You are so much more than your body, but you have to believe this in order to have other people see it.
When someone truly and deeply loves you, the person does not care about an extra few pounds or a few pounds less. When someone tells you they truly like you, don’t question this fact, but believe them.
Don’t doubt yourself too much and simply give your body a chance to make you happen at the exact weight it is right now. Don’t wait for tomorrow, but act today. Life won’t wait for you to finally feel comfortable, it is up to you to change your mindset and start falling in love with yourself and your body today.
Your life will thank you for it!
This guest post was contributed by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt, who writes at My Intercontinental Life.myintercontinentallife.com

Sunday, 26 February 2012

I Am Me

I am me
I am not you. I don’t walk like you, I don’t talk like you, I don’t draw like you, I don’t write like you. I walk, talk, draw and write like me, because I am not you – I am me.
I am not you. I can’t sing like you, I can’t dance like you, I can’t laugh like you, I can’t dream like you. I sing, dance, laugh and dream like me, because I am not you – I am me.
I am not you. I don’t dress like you, I don’t smell like you, I don’t hear like you, I don’t see like you. I dress, smell, hear and see like me, because I am not you – I am me.
I am me. I might be big, small, short, tall, young, old, hairy or bald. I might be loud or quiet, sensible or silly. I might be some of these things or all of these things, be it past, present or future. I might be healthy, I might be sick, I might be slow, I might be quick – whatever I choose to be – and whenever I choose to be it – I am me.
I am not you – I am me.
You are not me – you are you.
I am me. You are you.
I know you are you and I know I am me. I know I am not you because I know I am me. You are different to me and that’s how it should be as you are you and I am me.
That’s how it should be – I am me.
I am me. I am me. I am me. You are you and I am me.
Congratulations on being you.
I am me. :)

Friday, 24 February 2012

Be Your Own Fan Be Your Own Fan

It is the Monday after the Superbowl.  While scanning the TV stations and flipping through the radio channels this morning, it seemed as though everyone was discussing and analyzing (and analyzing and analyzing…) the football game.  Everyone is a Monday morning quarterback.
Come on, get a life!  Stop living your life through someone else.
Tom Brady does not care about your life.  Why should you invest so much emotional energy in studying his?
Instead of being a fan of someone else’s life, be a fan of your own life.
Be a Monday morning quarterback on what worked and what didn’t work last week…for your business.  Study your statistics to decide if you are moving in the right direction.  Invest in you and your greatness.
I invest my money in me: my education, the development of my business, the hiring of the right talent, personal development, etc.  I rarely invest my money in what others are doing.  In fact, I almost never buy stocks.  If I invest in me and my business, I am confident that in the long run I will have a higher return on my investment.
Start investing time, money and emotional energy in you and your business.
Don’t get me wrong.  I enjoy watching the New England Patriots (even when they lose).  It is entertaining and inspiring.  Their drive and determination always jazzes me up and has me perform better in my life.
But I would not call myself a fan of any sports team.
I prefer to be fanatical about my life; doing what I can to make it as amazing as possible.
[end of rant
Written by Steve Shapiro      http://www.steveshapiro.com/

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Secrets to Ultimate Confidence When Speaking in Public

Do you worry that when you get up to speak that your voice will show obvious signs of nerves and a complete lack of public speaking confidence? Perhaps you have had experience in the past where your voice wavers and your breathing is erratic due to those nerves.
Follow this advice and you should find that you can control your nerves much better and also that your voice will sound much more confident.  You will also act and feel more confident.
Don't Race
Don't race to get to the podium and don't race to get to the end of your speech. Take your time and remember that you are in control.
Breathe In and Out
It is easy to forget that you need to breathe when your mind is preoccupied with getting ready to give your important speech. Breathe in and out before your speech as normal. Also, remember to breathe normally during your speech.
Make Eye Contact with your audience
When walking to the podium or when standing up ready to speak make eye contact with as many people as possible in the audience. Try to smile confidently and again don't rush anything. Remember, that it is your speech and your time. It is up to you as to how quickly or how slowly you will progress. Making eye contact with your audience allows you to connect with them and to see them as individuals. Not as one large unfriendly audience.
Act Confident and Be Confident
I always say that the first step to becoming confident is to simply act as though you are confident. Remember that from the audience's point of view they do not know the difference between someone who looks confident because they are confident and someone who looks confident but is actually petrified and is only acting confident. The two people will both look the same. Remember this and always try to look confident. Take a deep breath, stand with your shoulders' back, smile. Make lots of eye contact with people. Your audience will never know and in acting confident you will become confident.

How to Turn Your Ideas into Life Changing Actions

If you’re like me (and most people on the planet), you have plenty of ideas that could potentially change your life dramatically. Perhaps you’re thinking about losing weight, starting your own business or writing a novel; you might even have several great ideas jostling around in your head.

The problem comes, though, in the gap between idea and action. It’s easy to get excited by a great idea or an audacious goal – it’s a lot harder to put in the work that gets you from A to Z.

Here’s how to take those ideas and make them real:
  1. Choose ONE Idea
    However many ideas you’ve got, try to pick just one thing to focus on first. That way, you’ll be much more likely to succeed: you won’t burn yourself out by trying to do too much, and you won’t find that some of your ideas are getting sidelined by others.

    If you’re not sure where to begin, choose an idea that will fit into your current life (with, perhaps, a few tweaks to your priorities and commitments). Don't quit your job in the hopes that your as-yet-non-existent small business will work out – instead, work on building up your self-discipline with a goal that you can achieve while in your current job, like losing weight or taking an evening class.

  2. Create a Solid Plan
    Whatever your big idea is, there’s a good chance that other people have tackled something similar. If you want to run your own restaurant business, talk to restaurant managers, or look for books that could help. If you want to get fit and healthy, talk to your doctor or the staff at the local gym.

    Once you’ve gathered some advice about turning your idea into action, write a plan. Give yourself specific things to do. For instance, if your big idea is “write a novel” then your plan might look like this:
    • Summarize the key theme of the novel in one or two sentences
    • Write a short description for each main character
    • Plan out crucial events in the plot
    ...and so on.

    You might not be able to create a complete plan from A - Z right now, but you can at least map out the steps from A - B and B - C. Try to set deadlines for your first few actions, to help you get moving.

  3. Get Support From Others
    Tell friends and/or family about your big idea. You might need to select the people you confide in carefully – who’s most likely to be encouraging and supportive?

    By letting other people know about your plans, you give yourself another reason to stay on the path towards your goal: if you back out now, you’ll have to tell everyone that you’ve quit. Plus, the people around you may be able to support you in practical ways – for instance, a colleague at work may have a useful diet book that they can lend you, or a family friend might share some great tips on running a small business.

  4. Stay Focused
    Finally, you need to stay focused. So many people begin on the path to a fantastic goal only to give up before they’ve made any real progress.

    You might find that the first couple of weeks are easy: you’re feeling highly motivated, and you’re excited about your idea. After a few more weeks, though, you might find it tougher going. If you’re going to achieve your goal, you need to stay focused.

    That means getting into good habits, perhaps making time at the start of each day to work on this one key goal, or setting aside time at the weekends. It may also mean looking at the other commitments in your life – is there anything you could cut out, or cut down?

    The path to your goal won’t necessarily be easy – but it will be rewarding. By staying on that path, right to the end, you’ll achieve something you can be truly proud of ... and something that may just change your life.
What ideas do you have right now? How are you going to put them into action? Share your thoughts in the comments...

 Written on 2/21/2012 by Ali LukeAli Luke. Ali is a writer of fiction and non-fiction and a writing coach. Photo Credit:simmone riccardi

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

We Need A Courageous Conversation

What do you do when you have an employee who is great at getting results, meeting their targets, and great with customers, but when it comes to their team, they are abrasive, abusive and condescending? 
What do you do when you’re in a relationship and your partner says they will call, and they don't? They say they will show up, but they don't. They say they will be there for you, and they are not. Worse yet, this has been going on for months…  
What do you do when you’re in a meeting with your direct report who does all the talking all the time, and never asks for input or feedback? What if your employee is not a team player and it’s really hurting morale?  
It is time for an intervention. What kind of intervention? It’s time to have a courageous conversation.  
In most organizations, and in our relationships, we’re all so busy being polite with everyone that we’re either not aware of the breakdown, afraid of the breakdown, or avoiding it altogether. We kid ourselves into thinking that if we don’t deal with it, maybe it will go away.  
When we fail to engage and say what we honestly think and feel, our business performance will suffer. When what “goes unsaid” is not being said, our relationships will fail.  
Here’s how to approach those courageous conversations that need to take place… 
Be Courageous: The essence of a courageous conversation is being direct and not fearful. Having a conversation in your head isn’t the same as having a real conversation. Being courageous means being connected to your feelings. Feelings of fear and anxiety create distance. When we are courageous we are fearless. When we act with courage, there is a certain grace that is brought to the conversation. 
Be Present: In order to have a courageous conversation, we need to be completely in the moment. Often, in meetings and in relationships where we interact with others, we fail to be fully present. We go through the motions, but we’re not really there, or we’re mentally checked out. In order to have a successful courageous conversation, we need to stay present and engaged. When we are present, we can be more aware of our feelings and the feelings of others. 
Be Reflective: In order for us to have a productive courageous conversation, we need to pause and reflect. Sometimes we react without thinking about how our response might impact the person(s) with whom we are interacting. Without pausing, without being reflective, we might choose an inappropriate response. We may say something we will regret. 
Be Human: When participating in a courageous conversation, we need to be human. Most of us have a limited vocabulary when expressing our feelings, so we are more likely to offer an automatic or habitual response than to connect heart to heart. When we are human, we have a need to connect, to understand, to listen and to belong. When we are being human, we can bring meaning and energy to the heart of what is important. 
Be Attentive: When involved in a courageous conversation, you must be a great listener. Pay close attention and demonstrate sincere interest in the other person’s thoughts and feelings. Be the person who is truly listening by tapping into hidden dialogue, and uncovering what is not being said. When you make more meaningful contact, you are more likely to get the other person’s full attention. 
Be Honest: When engaging courageous conversation, we need to be honest and say what we truly feel, without putting off what’s really on our mind. Honesty is not easy. We often repress our true feelings, so much so that sometimes we don't really know what we honestly want. We must be able to be honest and to say what we are truly feeling, seeing, and wanting. To be honest with yourself and others is to honor self. Being honest will set you free. 
Be Curious: When involved in a courageous conversation, leave control at the door. Stay open and curious. The more you try to control, the more out of control you will feel. Try to understand what the other is saying. This does not mean you accept what they say as your truth: it simply means you are open to the possibilities. It is essential to remain open and curious, and not judgmental and controlling.  
Be Accountable: When having a courageous conversation, being accountable means that you take responsibility for what you say and how you say it. Do not blame, claim or abuse anyone else. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Be the one who recognizes that being accountable will help shift the conversation from blame to gaining understanding. 
Be Committed: By bringing commitment to your interactions, you learn the power of courageous conversation. Your commitment to be courageous fosters connection. Being committed to courageous conversation will make your communications clear and compelling. It will bring knowing to the unknown. 
Lead From Within: When we are aware, we listen to each other, even if there are differences. If we stay focused, if we remain our caring human self, and if we pay attention to others’ feelings and ideas, we foster greater understanding.  
If we are honest about our feelings, if we remain curious, and if we are committed to forging courageous conversations, we will help strengthen relationships, productivity, and communication.  
Where can you have a courageous conversation today? Which meeting? What boss? Which employee? What relationship?
Written by Lolly Daskal, Coach & Writer

Fear Regret More Than Failure

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
Don't play it safe.
Work tirelessly to figure out your purpose and what you were meant to do on this earth. If you have to test different jobs and experiences to find what you like, by all means do it. Apathy and fear of failure are your enemy, experimentation is your friend.
Finding your purpose takes courage and a willingness to stumble. You will likely open some wrong doors before you open the right door. Don't expect the path to be linear and predictable -- be okay with the journey having its ups and downs.
If and when others try to talk you into taking some coveted path, remember that you are the one who will reflect back on your life one day. In that reflection, you will likely ask yourself some variant of this question: "Did I fear regret more than failure?"
Most of all - don't settle. Settling is about protecting yourself from risk. Settling means ignoring your inner GPS, stifling your true wishes, and talking yourself out of your dreams. And continuously settling leads to live a life of disappointment.
How will you know when you find your purpose?
You will feel you were born to do it. You will have a voracious appetite for the subject matter. And most of all, you will know that there is a way that you can deliver your information or service in a way that no one else can.
When you create something that is born out of your true purpose, people can sense your honesty and passion. Conversely, when you play a role that you're not, people see your insincerity a mile away. You can't concoct passion.
Finding your purpose is the hard part. Making a life out of it is easy.
When you find your passion, it will change you. You'll work much harder. You'll be flabbergasted by the sense of fulfillment you have after a day's work. You'll find emotional and intellectual resources inside yourself that you never knew you had.
Most of all, you will find that your purpose is like a propeller. It will supercharge your intellect, your capabilities, and your raw talents, and give you deep reserves of power.
As you continually revisit and refine your purpose, remember to pull others up. Boost those who have less confidence, experience, or pedigree than you. Illustrate for them how you see their potential and encourage them to think big about the future -without limits.
Get out there. Be gutsy. Be brave. Go for it!

Written by Selena Rezvani

Monday, 20 February 2012

What New Challenge Are You going to Take This Year?

If you want to grow, you need to expand your personal capacity. I already wrote about itbefore, but I think it’s necessary to touch on this topic again. It’s an important topic that deserves constant reminder.
Expanding your personal capacity is essential for your personal growth. It will take you the next level in life. It will make you a better person. For that, what you need to do is taking a new challenge. You should move out of your comfort zone and do something that stretches your skills and abilities. It’s inconvenient, but that’s the way to grow.
So here is my question to you: 
What new challenge are you going to take this year?
We still have eleven months in 2012 which is enough to work on a new challenge. Don’t waste them by just doing what you always do. Do something that will take you to the next level in life.
To help you choose a new challenge to take, here are a few ideas:
  • Take an online course
    Is there a subject you are fascinated about and want to study if you had time? Well, this year might be the time for you. There are a lot of courses available on iTunes U that you can choose from, not to mention other sources like YouTube. There is even a new breed of interactive courses that will give you assignments and give you feedback (here are some examples). With so many options available, I’m sure you can find something on the subject you are interested in.
  • Start a side business
    Perhaps you already have an idea for a side business. It could come from your hobby or from a specific need that you come across. Why don’t you make it a reality this year?  Having a side business is a good way to expand your capacity because it will teach you a lot in the process. Plus, it could give you an extra cushion in this uncertain economic times.
  • Start a blog
    Today everyone can express his or her thoughts through a blog. You are no longer limited to just being a consumer of information. If you have a subject you are passionate about, it’s a good idea to start a blog on it. You will learn a lot more by writing about it, plus you will meet interesting people along the way.
One word of caution: don’t expect instant success if you decided to build something. It takes time to build something, so don’t get discouraged if your blog didn’t attract many readers or your business didn’t give you enough revenue in the beginning. Remember, your goal here is to expand your personal capacity.
Those are just a few ideas from me. I’m sure you have a lot more ideas on how to expand one’s capacity. I’d like to hear from you, so feel free to share them in the comments.
Post written bywww.lifeoptimizer.org